Sunday, 5 October 2008

Internet Regulation

Firstly the issues surrounding being able to access ideas from all over the world and being able to publish our own words or images are that it can cause alot of controversy and complaints depending on the image put up or words used. This is because these words or images are being published on the interenet by US from the ages of if you can actualy understand what your doing and how to use these programmes to ages in which you are still capable to move and the problem with this is WE have our own views, opinions and interests about many things. So what WE choose to put up sometimes isnt always viewer friendly, for example...
- there could be a site or blog about how someone dislikes another person, product or company and this could include the use of inappropriate pictures or words in which some viewers may be offended by due to the content or due to the fact that small children or unsuitable ages can view/ access this. The solution for such things often leads to the banment of the website, blog or image.

I personally think that there should be a new organisation created to be responsible for internet regulation and this is because existing companies would be too busy to be in control of this along with their origional purpose. A good organisation n which they could follow in the way they regulate the internet could be the ASA as they do a very good job in regulating what is shown to the public in advertising and what isnt. So this new company could be the ASA of the internet!!..

The regulation could be monitered by having highlighted key words so that when these words are used, it is reconized and then the organisation can go check how and where this word has been used and then decide to block that site/blog for its inappropiate use.

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